The exam request for each candidate in any location will need to be submitted on QUEST by the teacher responsible for their training (and not each individual candidate) by getting in touch with the relevant examinations officer. ISTD can only accept exam requests by its members.
Important information:
- The exams will need to take place in a suitable dance venue and not from a home environment (e.g. living room).
- If the ISTD primary organiser/ISTD teacher cannot be present on the day of the exams, then another non-ISTD teacher or an exams facilitator can be present on their behalf. Under no circumstances can the exams facilitator be another candidate on the session or a parent of a candidate. The primary organiser will need to submit this individual’s name and contact details to the ISTD, who will then share them with the allocated examiner.
- For live remote exams, the music operator cannot be the teacher, a candidate or a parent of a candidate.
- The teacher/exams facilitator must be present at all times at the venue (outside the studio) when the exam takes place to ensure that the exam conditions are kept. This means that this person will be responsible for:
- a. setting up the technology including adjusting the sound settings for a smooth exam
- b. greeting the examiner online and introduce themselves as well as the musicians/music operator at least 15minutes prior to the exam start
- c. ensuring that the studio is clear from any hazards that could compromise the health and safety of the candidates
- d. ensuring that the exam is not interrupted or observed by other individuals
- e. keeping the candidate flow as per the timetable
- f. remaining available to resolve any issues at all times during the exams.