Currently you can become an ISTD Street Dance Teacher by studying and training for the Associate exam.
You will need to have a sound dance background and a keen interest in learning about the history and fundamentals of street dance. Everything you need to become an experienced street dance teacher you will gain from your coaching. The Associate exam gives you the tools to teach safely and confidently.
If you are interested in studying for the ISTD Street Dance teaching qualification (also known as the Associate). Firstly, download the syllabus outline here:
There are a number of very useful resources to help you with your training.
Downloadable videos and glossary notes are available here:
Street Dance Foundation Styles Glossary Videos
Street Dance Foundation Styles Glossary
The main way to study currently is on a 121 basis with an experienced examiner or a member of our teaching team. Please email to obtain the list of recommended coaches.
We are frequently asked how long it takes to achieve this. That depends on the individual. How many lessons you need and your level of Street Dance knowledge. You can achieve this qualification in as little as 3-4 months if you work intensively during this time.