Imperial Ballet
CD's may be used for class and graded examinations only. The teacher is responsible for providing a pianist for all vocational examinations. The official set music of ISTD ICB vocational examinations syllabus should be used for these exam levels. The use of recorded music is not permitted except for the Set Variations and the Advanced 2 solo.
If you are presenting only one set of candidates of Intermediate Foundation or Intermediate in your session and a pianist is not available, you can use digitally recorded music. Please note, that on this occasion you must you must notify the Exams department and you must use the updated digital music, which can be found in the ISTD Shop here.
Cecchetti Ballet
Teachers entering candidates for class and graded Examinations may either provide their own pianist or may use recorded music. Where recorded music is being used the examiner will provide music for the improvisation section of the examination. Where a pianist is playing for the examination, the pianist will provide the piano music for the improvisation section. Candidates should not have heard the music for improvisation prior to the examination.
It is important to note that the official music for the graded examinations should be used for all the set exercises and if using recorded music, the official examination recording specifically for use in exams and available from the ISTD shop, must be used.
A pianist must play for all Graded Vocational Examinations. The official sheet music for the Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced 1 and 2 must be used for these examinations. The music for the classical solo only may be played on audio equipment and this should be operated by the pianist.