We provide the qualifications that certify teachers to engage with an increasingly varied, demanding and globalised dance world.
We provide the qualifications that certify teachers to engage with an increasingly varied, demanding and globalised dance world.
Whatever your ability or level, we provide clear pathways for development to support your career. From the Initial teaching qualification to the Fellowship level, explore our recommended routes for both Theatre and Dancesport.
We provide a range of opportunities for our members to develop their teaching skills and inspire their students to excel. Our portfolio of qualifications covers both Ofqual regulated and non-regulated routes. Join our global community of dance teachers with our world-renowned teacher training qualifications.
Here you will find the latest news, guidance and advice to help you navigate running your business.
The Society offers financial bursaries for those currently undertaking our Initial and Higher teaching qualifications in both Theatre and Dancesport Genres. We also offer funding for Continued Professional Development (CPD) for international members.
Designed to prepare you for a career in tutoring, our training programme will develop your teaching skills, as well as guide you through some of the practicalities of tutoring.
Our Approved Dance Centres are our trusted partners by which student teachers can follow the Level 4 DDE qualification. They include institutions, vocational colleges and independent schools that have been verified by the Society. To apply to be an ADC, click here to find out more.
Members can find advice, resources and guidance for members on how to ensure safe environments for children learning to dance here.
Members can find advice, resources and guidance for members on how to ensure safe environments for children learning to dance in our Diversity and Inclusion Hub.
Our Education and Training team support all areas surrounding qualification planning and development and continual professional development of courses for teachers.
The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England, no. UA-20377677-1 and registered charity no. 250397.
© Copyright All Rights Reserved Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing