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ISTD Members have access to a full Member Resources Hub, full of resources to promote your business, resources to promote examinations and much more!

ISTD members can find the full Hub in MyISTD, but a preview of available resources is viewable below.

Become an ISTD Member today

Supporting our marketing campaigns

Promoting Examinations Step up to Success

A variety of assets outlining the benefits of taking ISTD examinations.

Promoting your business

Promoting your business Business guides

Browse our Intro to Marketing series, with individual guides to help you expand your business.

Promoting your business Business guide tutorial videos

Browse our video tutorials outlining our business guides available.

Promoting your business Find Your Dance Space

Dance is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, ability, or fitness level. Browse through the available assets to download to support our advocacy marketing campaign.

Supporting the ISTD

Supporting the ISTD Logos

The Society logo is a mark of quality for our world-renowned teaching. Registered Members and Approved Dance Centres are invited to use these assets to promote your status as an Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing member.

Supporting the ISTD Proud to Teach assets

A selection of assets for each of our genres, flagging which ISTD classes your school offers.

Supporting the ISTD Mark of Quality assets

'Proud to be' social assets across several channels, marking a teacher as an ISTD Registered Member alongside the 'Mark of Quality'.

Supporting the ISTD Promoting membership assets

A selection of assets promoting membership as part of professional pathways.

Supporting the ISTD Teacher Recruitment Leaflets

Leaflets about how students can become a dance teacher.

Resources available in English, Greek, Italian and Spanish.

Access assets


Webinars Teaching tools and advice

Essential guidance and advice for your teaching practice.

Important member documents and guides

Important member documents and guides Diversity and Inclusion resources

Browse your free resources, including guidance, videos and downloads to help you in our mission to ensure dance is inclusive for all.

Important member documents and guides Safeguarding for ISTD Members

As an ISTD member it is essential that your training and knowledge of safeguarding is up to date so that you are informed and know what action to take.

Important member documents and guides ISTD Rules and Standing Orders

The Rules and Standing Orders are made by the Council of the Society under powers set out in the Articles of Association. The aim is to regulate and promote the smooth and efficient conduct of the activities of the Society.


Playlists Tap Playlists

The official ISTD Tap Faculty recommended playlists (or set music) should be used for examinations. depending on which examination is being entered.

Playlists Modern Theatre Playlists

The official ISTD Modern Theatre Faculty recommended playlists (or set music) should be used for examinations. depending on which examination is being entered.