Our annual Theatre Bursary Awards Performance celebrates the exceptional talent and potential amongst ISTD-trained young dancers.
Junior and senior participants are nominated to represent each of the seven Theatre genres at the Bursary Awards via participation in preceding ISTD faculty events for; Cecchetti Classical Ballet, Classical Greek, Classical Indian, Imperial Classical Ballet, Modern Theatre, National Dance, and Tap Dance. Nominees perform before a panel of industry experts and winners and commendation of each category receive funds for their future training. All teachers of nominated students also receive a financial bursary fund for development opportunities, community activity or to support students in financial need.
Previous nominees have said this about the Awards
Marisha Bonnici - Nominated teacher Cecchetti Classical Ballet
"The bursary is an opportunity for me to continue to support students willing to compete. This support is fundamental as this work is often done with no payment. Being supported as a teacher in this way allows me to support my students reach their goals."
Sujata Banerjee - Nominated teacher Classical Indian Dance
"The word to me means 'acknowledgement' .. someone is acknowledging someone's hard work, commitment and dedication. The funds will be used to create more training and performance opportunities for 11-19 year olds of the Company."
Kristen-Leigh Petit - Nominated dancer Modern Theatre - Junior Runner-Up
"This award is a real honour...I feel a great sense of achievement and I'm so thankful to the ISTD, the judges and also to my teachers that have helped get me here. The money will help with my continued training, to be able to enter intensives and events I may not have been able to before and to assist me with things that sometimes are not attainable, that will help me pursue my dream and career in dance...thank you to the ISTD for providing this platform and helping people like myself with these opportunities."