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  4. Online CPD: Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Revision


Event details

Thursday 3 and Friday 4 October 8:00 - 11:15 BST (6 CPD hours)
Modern Theatre: Advanced 2 - Part 1 (scroll down for Part 2)
Lecturer: Cheryl Gill

This course provides teachers with a detailed refresher and development of Advanced 2 exercises: Set Warm Up, Glissés and Tendus, Floor Limbering, Adage, Rhythmical Limbering. In the afternoon, delegates will focus on: Falls and Tilts, Turns on Diagonal, Pirouettes, Kicks, Foot Warm Up, Leaps. This course will allow attendees to explore the technical requirements of the specified syllabus exercises; explore the artistic elements within the specified syllabus exercises; analyse how to achieve the correct technique and artistic nuances with your students. 

Saturday 5 , Sunday 6 , Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 October, 8:00 - 11:15 BST (12 CPD hours)

Modern Theatre: Advanced 1
Lecturer: Angeliki Andrinopoulou

This course will allow attendees to explore the technical requirements of the specified exercises, analyse how to achieve these through development of the required physicality relevant to their students and explore the artistic elements within each specified exercise.

Please note this course will not cover Floor Sequence, Set Amalgamations, Free Work or Steps of vocabulary analysis.

This course is tailored to aspiring dance professionals who are ready to refine their skills, explore technique, ethos and concepts of work and deepen their understanding in regards to the technical and artistic demands for Advanced 1 level.

It can be a stepping stone towards obtaining higher teaching qualifications, such as the Licentiate qualification. 

It is an essential course for those who aim to reach the highest levels of performance and teaching in this dynamic dance genre

Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 October, 8:00 - 11:15 BST (6 CPD hours)

Imperial Classical Ballet: Advanced 1 Refresher
Lecturer: Jackie Styles

Join ISTD Lead Lecturer and examiner, Jackie Styles on this CPD course focused on refreshing your knowledge of the Advanced 1 Syllabus.

Monday - This session will allow you to refresh your knowledge of the Advanced 1 Syllabus set work Option A, (with special requests for Option B queries); and have the opportunity to ask the questions needed to solidify the detail within the set work.

Tuesday - This session will allow you to refresh your knowledge of the Advanced 1 vocabulary steps for option A and B through a practical exploration of the syllabus content.  Examples of training exercises and unset enchaînements will be given. 

Please note the variations will not be covered in either part 1 or 2.

This course is suitable for teachers delivering Advanced 1 classes, and teachers who are training for Licentiate and Fellowship.

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October, 8:00 - 11:15 BST (6 CPD hours)
Modern Theatre: Advanced 2 - Part 2
Lecturer: Cheryl Gill

Saturday - This part of this course provides teachers with a detailed refresher and development of Advanced 2 selected exercises: Unset Warm Up and all 3 Performance Sequences: Turns / Kicks / Elevated. (Please Note - this course will not include Option B Floor Sequence). Delegates will have a detailed analysis of the choreographic setting of the Performances Sequences; discuss the building blocks that support the technical development of dance vocabulary contained in each sequence; develop observational skills as a demonstrator is guided to explore the artistic nuances necessary for each required style; consider how to apply concepts that underpin technical proficiency and artistic maturity when working with your students.

Sunday - This part of this course provides teachers with a detailed refresher and development of Advanced 2 Lyrical set amalgamation, analysis and development of dance movement vocabulary and Improvisation. Attendees will gain supportive knowledge of how to develop the correct technique and artistic nuances with your students; analyse the dance movement vocabulary required; discuss and observe ways to guide dancers to develop their improvisation and creative skills.

Further Information

Times and dates

Please note that all course dates and times are stated in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Courses will include time for breaks; however, the exact timing of this break may vary from course to course.

Closing dates

Bookings for this course close 4 days before it is due to take place. Therefore tickets may not always be available to purchase via the website. However, if you contact us via email we may be able to manually book you onto a course. For any delegates who attend on the day without prior payment, we reserve the right to apply a 10% surcharge onto the cost of the course. 

Course Prices

From September 2024, CPD courses are subject to a 4% price increase, due to the rising cost of delivery. We appreciate your understanding.

Members in South Africa, Mexico, Malaysia and Vietnam will need to email to obtain a discount code. Additional discounts are available for student teachers with provisional membership status. Please contact with your membership number for a discount code.

Course cancellations

Courses are subject to cancellation (up to 3 weeks in advance) if the minimum attendee numbers have not been reached. Therefore we strongly advise that all attendees book well in advance to avoid disappointment. 


In the instance of a change to availability, we may need to find an alternative lecturer (than the one originally scheduled) to lead a course. This will not affect the content covered in the course.


All online courses must be attended live. We do not record our sessions for future viewing or purchasing, unless otherwise stated. 

CPD hours

All hours stated next to each course refer to the earned CPD hours. This will be reflected on each certificate of attendance that you will receive.

Waiting list 

If a course you wish to attend has sold out, please contact us via email to be added to the waiting list.

Further questions

If you have any further questions, please contact and a member of the CPD team will get back to you.

Terms and conditions 

Booking conditions

All fees must be paid in full, with cleared funds, before bookings close for the course. Delegates will only be provided with zoom details and have access to online courses once payment has been made.

Each participant (irrespective of whether they are sharing a studio or device) is required to pay for their place on the course. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that you do not pass on the zoom login details or allow anybody that has not booked, to join the course on any device.

Cancellations must be made via email to 

  • For any cancellations made less than 10 days before the event, the ISTD will retain 50% of the total booking fee.
  • For any cancellations made less than 7 days before the event, the ISTD will retain 75% of the total booking fee.
  • For any cancellations made less than 4 days before the event, the ISTD will retain the total booking fee.

Under exceptional circumstances or where a doctor’s certificate is provided a full or partial refund may be given at the discretion of the Education and Training department.

In the event that delivery is affected by a local lockdown or any other force majeure, we will do our best to make alternative arrangements in order to ensure the course can go ahead. However, if this is not possible, delegates will be contacted and offered a refund or a credit note.

We cannot account for the strength of delegate internet connection and ask that each attendee check the connection before each course. In the case of loss of connection part-way through a course, refunds will not be given. Where possible, we may offer you an alternative course to attend. This will be at the discretion of the Director of Education.

Certificates of attendance will be sent to each delegate via email as a PDF document after the CPD event has taken place. The CPD hours on the certificate will reflect the time attended by the participant with time deducted for late arrival or early departure from the session.

The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing has the right to refuse bookings on the grounds of health and safety or if acceptance would contravene its Regulatory Authority Approval.

Course delegates are responsible for their own personal property and safety. Delegates must ensure that they follow the appropriate health and safety warnings, including:

  • Ensuring the space is environmentally equipped and safe (i.e. proper lighting and adequate temperature).
  • Having enough room to participate in the activity without there being any obvious risk of injury to the participant, to others, or risk of any damage to the surrounding property.
  • Ensuring that the flooring in the room is appropriate for the activity to be undertaken.
  • That no other adult is observing during the course without the prior knowledge and permission of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing.

The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing reserves the right to record any online CPD for the purpose of further training.

Filming/photography/recording of any content displayed or discussed during the online class is not permitted by any delegate.

All work displayed is the intellectual property of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and appointed lecturers. Recording the lectures would be a breach of copyright and anyone found doing so may be removed from the session and future bookings.

Consent and release

ISTD is committed to the principle that the interests and welfare of participants taking part in dance activities is paramount. To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, ISTD needs your permission before we take any photography or video of you.

By acknowledging and agreeing to these terms, I consent to ISTD photographing or videoing me at this event. I can confirm that I have been made aware that these images or videos could be used in dance-related publications, the ISTD website, at future events, and broadcast on social media or video streaming services. I give the ISTD permission without a time limit to use this photography or video (including facial images) worldwide on any medium.

How we use your information
Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing will process your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. Please refer to our privacy policy which can be found in full on our website.

Any concerns should be emailed to

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