Welcome to this year’s Janet Cram Awards !
Sincerest thanks to those that participated last year, we welcome you to our 2025 awards with live heats across England and Online Heats for teachers and competitors in Scotland/Ireland, the Channel Islands and Internationally from across the world.
We invite you to participate in learning our specially commissioned industry sequences at our live or online heats, delivered by our specialist teachers, and judged by our faculty and industry adjudicators.
All Finalists, whether from the UK or Internationally, will be invited to the live finals in June 2025 to perform in front of industry and faculty adjudicators.
Entries now open
**Please Note** Due to unprecedented demand, we have now sold out competitor tickets for some categories. We advise you to attend an alternative heat.
Closing date for Southern and South West heats – Monday 10 February 2025*
Closing date for Northern, South East and Online heats – Monday 17 February 2025*
*subject to capacity. All heats may close earlier if capacity is reached. We highly recommend registering entries as soon as possible.
Competitor Ticket Information
Competitor Heat Entry Fee (per competitor): Full price: £30.00
Use code EARLYBIRD for 20% off the competitor entry fee from 3 January 2025 until 11:59PM UK TIME on 17 January 2025.
Each dance school that enters is entitled to one free 'teacher ticket'. Please email modern@istd.org to receive your code.
Download the asset below, to share with parents and guardians of attendees:
'I'm taking part' 'We're taking part'
Competitor information
The Cram Heats class format will remain in three categories; Junior, Senior and Premier and will follow a class format as in previous years of a Set Warm Up, and two free contrasting sequences. For the Online Heat, this work will be taught by the teachers to the competitors, filmed and submitted by the teachers.
Heats may be closed prior to the advertised closing dates if submissions are oversubscribed. Early booking is advised.
Competitor eligibility criteria
- The qualifying examination for all competitors must have taken place between 1 January 2024 and 28 February 2025.
- Competitors must have been trained at the ISTD School entering them, from 1 September 2024 unless written permission is given by the previous principal which will need to be given to Head of Faculty Development and CPD and Events team.
- All competitors must be entered by an ISTD teacher and have been trained at the ISTD School entering them from the 1 September 2024.
- A limit of 6 competitors per school, per category can be entered.
8yrs to 11yrs on 1 September 2024
Must have passed ISTD Grade 3 or 4 Modern & no higher
11yrs to 14yrs on 1 September 2024
Must have passed ISTD Grade 4, 5 or 6 Modern & no higher
13yrs to 18yrs on 1 September 2024
Must have passed ISTD Grade 6, Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate Modern or Advanced 1 Modern & no higher
Finalists and commendations
If taking part in a live regional heat, finalists will be notified on the day. If taking part in an online heat, teachers will be notified of any finalists from their school by 22 March 2025.
Commendations will also be awarded for all heats. In the event that a finalist is unable to attend the live finals, the finalist place may be offered to a dancer awarded a commendation from that heat with as much notice as possible. This will be determined at the discretion of the heat adjudicators, Modern Theatre HOFD and/or CPD and Events team as required.
Live regional/online and International Heats content
- Set Grade 4 Warm Up
- One longer Unset sequence
- One shorter elevated sequence.
Free work may include the following technical content from Grade 3 and 4:
- Circular Spring
- Side Kicks
- Front Kicks
- Spin Turns at high level
- Triple Runs
- Split Runs forwards
- Set Grade 5 Warm Up.
- One longer Unset sequence
- One shorter elevated sequence.
Free work may include the following technical content as below:
- Single Pirouette at low level, inwards/outwards
- Side Kicks
- Front Kicks
- Any Dance vocabulary steps from Grades 4 and 5
- Grade 6 Warm Up.
- One longer Unset sequence
- One shorter elevated sequence.
Free work may include the following technical content:
- Any Dance vocabulary steps from Intermediate Foundation and Intermediate
- Double Pirouette at high or low level, inwards/outwards
Regional Heat information
There will be 4, regional, live heats taking place across England.
- Southern – The Showroom Theatre, University of Chichester, Chichester – 9 March
- South Western –1532 Performing Arts, Bristol – 9 March
- Northern – The Hammond School, Chester – 16 March
- South Eastern - New Hall School, Chelmsford, Essex - 23 March
Competitors may take part in any regional heat, however may only take part once.
Teachers may enter up to 6 competitors, per category, across ALL live/online heats.
Online heat information
Please note that online heats are for International, Scottish, Irish and Channel Island Teachers
Instructions for online heat submissions
- Teachers will purchase their competitors’ tickets for the appropriate age category once entries open.
- In the confirmation email, sent from Eventbrite, teachers will automatically receive details of the 2 sequences of unset work.
- Teachers are to learn, and teach their competitors these 2 sequences in class.
- Once taught, teachers will record their competitors in landscape format performing the Set Warm Up and the 2 sequences, in one continuous class without being edited.
- Once the recording is completed, this is uploaded to the MTH Dropbox link given on the Eventbrite confirmation email.
Videos of competitors work will be submitted to Dropbox 3 March 2025 and adjudicated and teachers notified by 22 March 2025.
The format for each class is as follows for all categories:
1- Line up the competitors in front of the camera and introduce them to camera with name and number (number to be issued by teacher - given so ISTD can identify the dancers in the video).
2- Set Warm up– Competitors perform the Warmup in 2 groups once through. If there are more than 10 competitors, please divide them into 3 or 4 groups making sure there is space for them to perform) and rotate the lines.
3- Unset longer Sequence 1– practice altogether in their groups, no more than 5 in a group. Competitors then perform this Sequence individually in numerical order, restarting the music if necessary. (If there is one dancer they can perform twice)
4- Unset shorter elevated Sequence 2– practice in 2 or 3 groups first. The competitors perform this Elevated Sequence 2 individually on the diagonal (from the right and left) once through in numerical order, restarting the music if necessary.
5- A simple bow at the end altogether without music.
Rules and regulations for online submissions
- Teachers are to ensure that students have a suitable space in which to dance, move freely, that is clear of any obstacles.
- Teachers are responsible for their own pupils’ safety during this event
- The ISTD accepts no responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to you, persons around, your property or your identity.
- Anyone competing at this event does so at their own risk. The ISTD will not accept any responsibility for any injury or situation.
- Teachers are responsible for Under 18s and will ensure that parent/guardian consent has been obtained for them to appear on the recorded footage, these competitors must be always supervised by an adult
- All of the free sequences have been choreographed by industry faculty artists and approved by the Modern Theatre Committee to be in line with each level as stated. They are the property of the ISTD and are not to be re-purposed or used in any other circumstance.
- Competitors must take part from a hall or studio ONLY, supervised by an ISTD teacher that is DBS checked and all personal items should be removed from view.
Guidance for filming submissions
- It is of paramount importance that the video is of good visual quality and that the music can be heard clearly.
- Teachers to ensure that their competitors have their allocated number (issued by the teacher for the purpose of dancer identification only). These MUST be worn on the front of the competitor’s dancewear whilst recording the class.
- Competitors must be visible throughout the entire recording.
- Please record your video in “landscape” NOT “portrait”.
- Please introduce dancers by name and competitor number to camera at the start of the class in order that they can be visibly identified.
- Please ensure that the recording is one continuous recording with no edits.
- Whether you use a Video Camera, DSLR Camera or Mobile Phone to record the video, please ensure the lens of the camera/phone is cleaned to avoid finger marks or dust.
- Please check the camera settings are set to the highest resolution when filming.
- Please be aware of what is behind the dancer and in the video frame. If possible, have a clear, tidy studio/performance space, with no external noises when filming.
- Videos of poor quality may affect the result of that entry.
- Videos must be submitted by ISTD teachers ONLY
TeachersName_Category_Number of Competitors (category would be either Junior/Senior/Premier)
i.e SusanSmith_Junior_1_2_3_4_5_6
i.e SusanSmith_Senior_1_2
Event t-shirts
This year we have bespoke t-shirts for the Janet Cram heats. Please add to your cart when booking your tickets. T-shirts are made specifically to order and we regret no refunds or exchanges can be made after 11 February. To amend or cancel your order, please email modern@istd.org by 5pm on 11 February.
T-shirts will be available for collection at your regional heat. If you are competing in the online heat, we will be in touch regarding delivery.
Child's t-shirt: £15.00
- Youth large - chest 32 (age 9-11)
- Youth x-large - chest 34 (age 12-13)
Adult's t-shirt: £18.50
- Small - chest 34-36
- Medium - chest 38
- Large - chest 40-42
- Extra large - chest 44-46
Terms and conditions
Booking terms and conditions
- Competitors must be studying with an ISTD Modern Theatre member and must be entered by the named ISTD member.
- All entries to be submitted by the teacher and not by the parents/guardian. Receipt for acknowledgement of entry will be emailed to the teacher by way of an automatic confirmation email.
- Teachers and competitors shall agree to abide by ALL the rules laid down for the Competition and shall accept the Adjudicator's decision as final. No individual feedback will be given.
- Anyone competing in this event does so at their own risk and parents/carers will be asked to confirm their child is fit to participate. The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing will not accept any responsibility for any injury.
- Principals & Teachers – Please ensure all teachers involved in preparing pupils for the competition, are fully aware of and understand the competition rules.
- By entering the competition, the competitor confirms they are eligible to enter.
- Upon submission of your application on your competitor’s behalf you are agreeing to the criteria set above and that you agree to adhere to Terms & Conditions.
Cancellation policy
We regret that no refunds are payable once tickets are purchased and payment received. However, in the event that the ISTD cancel the event, a full refund will be processed
Professional etiquette
- The adjudicators decisions are final.
- Principals must ensure all teachers involved in preparing pupils for the competitions are fully aware and understand the competition rules
- Please observe professional courtesy and if any teacher has concerns that need to be raised during the competition, please email modern@istd.org
- Any complaint regarding eligibility for this competition must be submitted to the CPD and Events team in writing to modern@istd.org to be dealt with in the appropriate manner
- The integrity of the teacher is relied upon to ensure that the behaviour and conduct of their competitors on the day of the heats and finals are professional and do not disturb the enjoyment of others and the smooth running of the event.