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  4. DFR Street Dance Competitions 2024-2025

The Street Dance Faculty are pleased to announce the dates are secured for our upcoming Street Dance Competition Days. 


we now have 3 competitions throughout the season and pupils can take part in a range of events 

  • Sunday 3 November 2024 (Grays Essex)
  • Sunday 30 March 2025 (Five Rivers, Salisbury)
  • Sunday 6 July 2025 (Portsmouth)

The event consists of solos, pairs, quads, crews and our popular fun event – parent and child pairs. So you will be guaranteed an exciting and eventful day.

The competitions are adjudicated by Independent leading street/Hip Hop adjudicators, and dancers will have the opportunity to qualify for our Grand Finals weekend in October 2025.


For further information or to register please contact: 

Download the assets below, to share with attendees and on your social media pages:

Asset 1 'We're taking part' Asset 'I'm taking part' Asset Poster


Don’t forget to tag @istddance in your posts. 


Street Dance Competition Day Street Dance Competition DayStreet Dance Competition Day Street Dance Competition Day


For further information or to register please contact: 

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