27 September 2023
Research purpose and methodology
The purpose of the survey was to primarily gather feedback, insight and intelligence to understand:
- Members business and the age ranges of numbers of students, genres and classes taught
- Whether members want to grow their businesses, and how they’d like them to grow.
- The impact of the rise in cost of living.
- What changes would most positively impact the member experience.
- Members perceptions of the website, ease of contacting the society and customer service experience.
- Whether ISTD examinations meet the needs of members and students.
- How exams could be developed and barriers to taking exams and improvements that could be made.
An online survey of 35 questions was emailed to all active members on Thursday 29 June, and the survey was live for 3.5 weeks. We promoted the survey in subsequent enewsletters and posted in faculty Facebook groups.
Survey responses were anonymous, and respondents who wanted to enter the prize draw, completed a separate form.
The response rate for the full survey was 9.1%.