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  5. Malta Awards 2024

8 January 2025

On Sunday, 1st December 2024, we were happy to welcome 117 students to the 6th edition of the Malta Awards – an event which was held at Johane Casabene Dance Conservatoire Studios. All participants arrived well in time, beautifully presented and ready to make their teachers very proud. The standard was high, with the students showing refined technique and an awareness of strong Cecchetti principles. We really did celebrate our heritage and the beauty and purity of the Cecchetti Method.

Malta Awards 1

Ms Brenda Lee Grech, a Maltese classical dancer who boasts of an amazing career as a professional dancer with Scottish Ballet and Rambert Dance Company was our adjudicator this year. Nina Winter and Elizabeth Garner Watson taught the classes and Veronique Vella accompanied the class at the piano.

Malta Awards 2

The event would not be possible without the dedication of Johane Casabene, Mireille Coleiro, Rowena Grech and Brigitte Gauci Borda, who are part of the local organising team. A big thank you to Sophie Maasland and Karen Littlewood from ISTD for organising the event and a special thank you to The Cecchetti Society Trust who generously fund the Tanya Bayona Senior Award.

Malta Awards 3

Congratulations to the winners and to all the participating students. Eviva Cecchetti!

Written by Theresa Lungaro-Mifsud

Award Winners 2024

Lower Junior Award

Lower Junior Award Dancer Teacher
Musicality Elle Bonnici Marisha Bonnici
Artistry Kay Bonello Marisha Bonnici
Joy of Dance Ginevra Prospero Rowena Grech
Best Port de Bras Sasha Vella Marisha Bonnici
Best Technique Mila Woods Marisha Bonnici
Best Solo Performance Anne Grima Rowena Grech
Class Award Camilla Ellul Sullivan Marisha Bonnici

Malta Awards Lower Junior Award

Junior Award

Junior Award Dancer Teacher
Musicality Lucia Vella Laurenti Johane Casabene
Artistry Leila Galea Pamela Kerr
Joy of Dance Chloe Debattista Rowena Grech
Best Port de Bras Mattea Portelli Rowena Grech
Best Technique Sarah Jane Camilleri Rowena Grech
Best Solo Performance Ella Sultana Johane Casabene
Class Award Siena Micallef Marisha Bonnici

Malta Awards Junior Award


Middle Award

Middle Award Dancer Teacher
Winner Sophie Abela Marisha Bonnici
Runner Up Ida Pace Marisha Bonnici
Special Commendation Charlie Falzon Marisha Bonnici

Malta Awards Middle Award


Tanya Bayona Senior Award

 Tanya Bayona Senior Award Dancer Teacher
Winner Ella Pace Marisha Bonnici
Runner Up Eleyna Darmanin Johane Casabene
Special Commendation Bianca Ellul Sullivan Marisha Bonnici

Malta Awards Senior Award

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