Imperial Classical Ballet
The Junior and Senior Ballet Awards are two separate annual events.
The Junior Awards are designed for students who have passed Grade 1 and 2 exams and the Senior Awards for students who have passed exams ranging from Grades 3 to Advanced 1.
The Senior Awards attract entries from our Imperial Ballet teachers based in the UK, Ireland and continental Europe. All finalists of the Senior Ballet Awards are invited to take part in the Imperial Classical Ballet Scholars Day, a fantastic day of dance where students take classes with and are inspired by prominent dance teachers and choreographers.
Two winners of the Senior Awards are also selected by the Faculty Committee to participate in the Imperial Society of Teacher of Dancing Annual Bursary Awards.
The Malaysian Awards is a large scale biennial event held in Kuala Lumpur. These awards consist of workshops and performances in Modern Theatre, Imperial Ballet and Tap genres and attract competitors from dance schools across Malaysia and from a range of countries, which in 2019 included Japan, Singapore and Thailand.
Another notable event in the calendar is the annual Boys Day of Dance which has proved extremely popular since its inception in 2012. Young men of 8 years and above, no matter what their dance experience, are given the opportunity to explore a range of dance genres in workshops taught by eminent male teachers.
The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England, no. UA-20377677-1 and registered charity no. 250397.
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